
Academic Advisement

This overview will give first-time in college students, sophomore and returning students a general idea of how the advisement process works and explain their role and responsibilities in that process.

Academic Advising Components

  • Academic Advisement
  • Lower Division Advisement
  • Group Advisement
  • Upper Division
  • How to Prepare for an Effective Advisement Session Advisement

ACADEMIC ADVISEMENT is the process of meeting with an assigned professional or faculty member who will counsel, assist with planning of courses and/or major and to provide guidance for matriculation.

Academic advising is one of the most important aspects of a student’s college experience. Your advisor can be an important resource for you beyond helping with the selection of your courses each semester. However, it is up to you, to get the most out of your relationship with the advisor.

We strongly encourage you to contact your advisor during the semester to discuss career options, graduate school plans, as well as other items important to your undergraduate experience. Because advisors are very busy, you will need to call to set up an appointment.

The formal advisement period consists of about two weeks, during this time you will need to schedule an appointment to plan your courses for the next semester. You will receive notification from the department informing you of the dates for advisement and the steps which you need to follow. It is the responsibility of the student to make sure all contact information is current and up to date. There are two different advising processes for Lower and Upper Division majors and they are as follow.


As a new School of Allied Health Sciences major, you will be placed in the Lower Division. Learn about pre-requisites, major requirements, and related information listed under Schools and Colleges. Then, click on School of Allied Health Sciences.

There are certain prerequisites which must be completed during the freshman and sophomore year before a student is considered eligible to enter the upper division.

Once these prerequisites are completed, you will be moved into the Upper Division via a change of major form. While in the lower Division, you will be assigned to the Freshman-Sophomore Advisor for the School of Allied Health Sciences.


GROUP ADVISEMENT SESSION (First-Time Freshman): During the group advising, you will participate in a large group session and a small group session. The large group session will cover information which all majors need to know and provides an opportunity to ask questions. You will then divide into a small group led by the academic advisor. The advisor already has your records and will discuss your course needs at that time. You are encouraged to ask questions at this time.


After successful completion of the prerequisites, you will submit a change of major for admission to the Upper Division and reassigned to an individual faculty advisor. Prior to the advisement period, you will need to sign up for an appointment session. You will need to contact via email, phone or go the office of your advisor and sign up for an appointment on the calendar posted outside the advisor’s office. Your advisor will have your records and the necessary forms. The key to a successful advisement appointment is being prepared. It is very important to SIGN UP EARLY AND KEEP YOUR APPOINTMENT! Rescheduling is up to the advisor and usually only occurs in the case of emergencies.


(May not apply to first-time students)

It is important to carefully prepare for your appointment with an advisor. The advisor cannot adequately help you if you do not properly prepare. It is not the advisor’s responsibility to make decisions for you. Returning Students should:

  1. Be sure to have a copy of your curriculum, courses checked off or highlighted in which you have successfully completed.
  2. Make a note of the general education, major and minor requirements which you still need to complete.
  3. Spend some time thinking about your career goals. If you have questions, write them down to discuss with your advisor.
  4. Make a list of other questions for your advisor.

Remember, the final responsibility of a successful college experience rests with YOU, the student. YOU are responsible for knowing college and major requirements, academic regulations, advisement dates, making and keeping your advising appointments, and registering for your classes. The Freshman-Sophomore advisor, and faculty advisor, and the Dean's Office are resources available to help you, so please utilize them in the most productive way possible.