Division of Health Care Management

Division of Health Care Management

Welcome to the Division of Health Care Management (HCM) where the faculty are dedicated to excellence in the pursuit of knowledge and discovery, respect for diversity, and the professional development of students in the health care management field. 

The Division offers two degrees: Bachelor of Science in Health Care Management (BSHCM) and a Master of Health Administration (MHA).




The primary mission of the Division is to provide comprehensive undergraduate and graduate education in health care management; thereby, increasing the pool of qualified underrepresented groups in this discipline.




The vision of the Division of Health Care Management is to be nationally recognized as a leader in preparing students for high level achievement in the health care industry through our outstanding graduates, curricular innovations, scholarly activities, and service to our community.


Placeholder image BSHCM

The mission of the Program is to prepare traditional students, especially racial and ethnic minority students for entry-level management positions in the health care field, and to equip students for graduate and professional school. This is a 120-credit hour curriculum that includes a 12-week administrative internship. Successful clearance of a criminal background check and drug screen is required for internship placement. The program is a Full Certified Undergraduate member of the Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA). The BSHCM program has been certified for 30 continuous years.

Placeholder image MHA

The Master of Health Administration (MHA) degree program is designed to meet the educational needs of traditional and nontraditional students. However, this is not an online program. The program is ideal for those individuals who wish to maintain their full-time employment during the day. Classes are offered in the evening at 5:30 PM, Monday – Thursday. This is a competency-based program with forty-seven (47) credit hours, including a capstone and a fieldwork/residency component. The program is accredited by CAHME (Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Management Education).

Why Pursue a Career in Healthcare Management?

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, by the year 2026, the employment of medical and health services managers is expected to grow by 20 percent. This growth reflects a much larger growth pattern than all other occupations. A degree in healthcare management can open many doors for you. Graduates find exciting careers in hospitals, managed care organizations, federal and state agencies, long-term care facilities, health insurance companies, home health agencies, medical group practices, consulting firms, pharmaceutical companies, and community health centers. In May of 2017, the median annual wage for medical and health services managers was $98,350, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. This median wage is the wage at which half the workers in an occupation earned more and half earned less. 



Student Organization and Professional Association

The undergraduate Student Health Care Management Association (SHCMA) is composed of professional and pre-professional students who have declared Health Care Management as their major. The officers of this association consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Reporter, Historian, and Parliamentarian who are elected by the junior and senior class members.


Frequently Asked Questions


Career Opportunities
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, by the year 2026, the employment of medical and health services managers is expected to grow 20 percent. This growth reflects a much larger growth pattern than all other occupations.

Career Flexibility
A degree in healthcare management can open many doors for you. Graduates find exciting careers in hospitals, managed care organizations, federal and state agencies, long-term care facilities, health insurance companies, home health agencies, medical group practices, consulting firms, pharmaceutical companies, and community health centers.

Great Earning Potential - In May of 2017, the median annual wage for medical and health services managers was $98,350, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. This median wage is the wage at which half the workers in an occupation earned and half earned less.

The health field in the United States today includes more organizations, spends more money, and employs more people than any field except construction. Perhaps the single greatest challenge facing health care professions is the financing of expensive facilities and specialized equipment and the coordination of the activities of various health care professionals. Because of its complexity, health care management has been called the most difficult management assignment in modern society. It takes special administrative skills and a clear understanding of the complex interaction of economic, financial, political, sociological, and cultural factors affecting the management and delivery of health care services to be an effective health care administrator. Only highly specialized training can prepare a person adequately for such responsibility.

Health Care Management is a profession that applies administration concepts to manage the resources of health care facilities. The role of the health care manager is to plan, organize, direct, control and coordinate the resources of health care organizations. Health care mangers ensure that health care is provided in a cost-effective and humane manner. As integral member of the health profession, health care managers are responsible for working with the governing board to create the best possible working environment for the professional staff. A professional staff which could include physicians, nurses, physical therapists, occupational therapists, respiratory therapists, and other clinical professionals.
Approximately 50% of health care managers work in hospitals or medical centers. The remainder are employed by nursing homes, ambulatory care centers, outpatient health facilities, medical supply companies, health insurance companies, managed care organizations, community-based rehabilitation centers, home health agencies, health care professional associations, adult day care centers, medical group practices, mental health centers, community health centers, drug treatment facilities, health care consulting firms, government health agencies, and other organizations.
Health care is one of the largest and fastest-growing sectors of the U.S. economy. According to the Occupational Outlook from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the health services industry is projected to grow at a significantly higher rate than the rest of the economy. While a personnel shortage in traditional areas of health care exist, such as doctors, nurses, medical technologists, and other clinical workers, the need for health care managers and executives to be responsible for the management of health care facilities is growing. Because of the continuing longevity of the population, increasing demand for health care, availability of advanced medical technology, and the growth in alternative delivery systems, the health care delivery system is expected to continue to grow. As the health care delivery system grows, the demand for health care managers also will increase.

The Division of Health Care Management is a full member of the Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA), and the undergraduate program is certified by AUPHA.  The graduate program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Management Education (CAHME).

See www.cahme.org for details.


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